Introductionoptions for layout of System(s) Properties
editModeset for increased staff spacings for edit mode @property bool editMode; hideBarNumbersset if the bar numbers should not be displayed @property bool hideBarNumbers; hidePartNamesset if the part names should not be displayed @property bool hidePartNames; ignoreXMLPositionsset if the default-x, default-y, relative-x, relative-y values in the XML should be ignored @property bool ignoreXMLPositions; redBeyondBarEndset to display notes in red if they are beyond the end of the bar as defined by the time signature @property bool redBeyondBarEnd; simplifyHarmonyEnharmonicSpellingset this flag so F-double-sharp appears in a harmony as G @property bool simplifyHarmonyEnharmonicSpelling; useXMLxLayoutset to use default-x values on notes and bar width values @property bool useXMLxLayout; |